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Upcoming Events


Work Hard + Play Hard Day Camp

July 29-August 2 2024  |  Mon - Fri 9AM - 4PM


Living Wisdom Adventure Week

July 31-Aug 6 2024 | Sleep-Away Camp

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Open Houses

Upcoming Open House dates:

  • Thursday, Oct. 24 • 7pm

  • Saturday, Nov 16 • 1pm

  • Saturday, Feb 1, 2025 • 1pm


Registration is required.


Academic Calendar

A detailed overview of the upcoming school year.

Work Hard + Play Hard Day Camp

July 29 - August 2  |  Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm

“It’s fun to have fun, but you have to know how!” Wise words from Dr. Suess and in this summer camp we will teach you how to have fun both in your academics and in life in general. Many people struggle with learning techniques of how to learn. Little do they realize that, just like any other skill, learning becomes more enjoyable the better you become at it. 


Join us for a lively summer camp where teachers Hazemach and Keshava will teach you powerful techniques to make studying fun, how to gamify your approach to learning, how to develop confidence through 

knowledge and mastery of materials, and how to express yourself creatively and originally through any medium of


Price: $ 635

In this camp we will teach you how to study, how to communicate your knowledge, and we’ll have a ton of fun doing it. Interspersed with our mental exercises, we will engage the body and will and express ourselves in play and sports. 

One part study-training, one part fun-training, this camp will change the way you look at learning, school, and life in general. Obstacles don’t have to be daunting anymore; they can become your most enjoyed elements of life! 

Come play, study, laugh, and have fun with us. It’s fun to have fun, and by the end, we’re sure you’ll know how.


This immersive camp will run from Monday-Friday, from 9am-4pm. Every day will include training in learning systems, effective approaches to studying, note-taking, memorization, presentation skills, rhetoric, logic, and other topics, as well as sporting games, activities, adventures, and lots of vigorous fun. 


This camp is strongly recommended for incoming LWHS students, as it will lay the foundation for how to succeed in our academic and scholastic community. All others welcome.

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Keshava Betts (Instructor)

Fun fact: Keshava was a professional stuntman and stunt-coordinator in the Los Angeles Film industry!

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    Hazemach (Instructor)

Fun fact: Hazemach is a lifelong martial artist and competitive karate practitioner. He became a black belt at 11 years old! 

Living Wisdom Adventure Week

July 31-Aug 6 2024 | Sleep-Away Camp

Price: $ 950 

Living Wisdom Adventure Week is a sleep-away camp hosted at Ananda Valley Farm in Half Moon Bay (days 1-3) and then in the scenic Tahoe National Forest for a backpacking adventure (days 4-6). 


Focusing on community building, adventure, self-discovery, creativity,

and fun, participants will spend the week:

  • Forming deep and meaningful friendships

  • Learning survival & self-reliance skills

  • Playing in the mountains

  • Storytelling, stargazing, making music, & creating art

  • Backpacking & immersing themselves in nature

  • Practicing yoga & meditation

  • Learning about themselves

  • & Having fun together!

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